Monday, August 24, 2009

Books Stephen King

“The night I finished “It” for the first time, I was 200 pages from the end and it was already midnight, but I just had to keep going. I couldn't wait until morning. I had to read, see, feel... I had to know.” --quote from online user review

I’m an avid reader. Give me anything and I’ll give it a whirl. Mysteries and some non-fictions are my favorite, but throw a good thriller at me anytime and I am usually not disappointed. Unless I am watching it instead of reading it. Stephen King is by far my favorite author for such books.

I watched the movie “Carrie” based on the book written by Stephen King (the first he published!!), so very long ago, in my days when I actually thought, “I saw the movie, now no need to read the book.” Amateur.

Ever see “Children of the Corn”? Another very good movie series, but nothing compared to the printed version. "It"? VERY good movie, but again, nothing like the book. Books give you so much more that movies can’t possibly give to you – the details. Sure, you get the gist of what is going on, but what was the girl wearing? Why was she singing that song at that moment? What color was the wallpaper in her bedroom on the night she disappeared? Read the book and you’ll find out.

Long ago I got to the point where I refused to watch the movie until I read the book. It ruins movies for me – I compare the whole thing to the book I have just finished reading – but the book is the basis for the movie and is ALWAYS so much better!

The Green Mile is an excellent movie, starring the one and only Tom Hanks. But no matter what, the movie just doesn’t measure up to the experience of reading the book (sorry Tom – I really do love your acting).

Stephen King is so very good at the details. Read any one of his books and I can guarantee that your life will be consumed in those pages until you turn the very last one. Cujo, The Shining, It, oh man, they just get you so involved.

To have an experience like no other at The Overlook Hotel in The Shining or to find any other novel by Stephen King, click on the banner below.